Saturday, 17 January 2015

Song of the day

Every day is exactly the same, there's no laughing and there's no pain.,.

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Psychology play

I very much enjoy the play with personality theories.
A good MBTI test:
My results:
INFP - 91%
INFJ - 90%
INTJ - 75%
ENFP - 74%
ISFP - 74%
ENFJ - 73%
INTP - 60%
ENTP - 59%
ISFJ - 57%
ESFJ - 56%
ISTP - 43%
ENTJ - 42%
ESFP - 40%
ISTJ - 40%
ESTP - 26%
ESTJ - 23%
Another one with percentage score on all aspects:
I 71% E 29%
N 100% S 0%
F 85% T 15%
P 86% J 15%
Cognitive functions test. - a part of MBTI theory are Jung's congtive functions. This test is really good:
My results:
Ni 80%
Ne 80%
Fi 80%
Si 70%
Ti 65%
Fe 45%
Te 35%
Se 5% - This means unclear type, but considering the functions it's a cross between INFP and INFJ.
But Nardi's is aslo very interesting:
Introverted Intuition (Ni) ... 47,5 excellent use
Extraverted Intuition (Ne) ... 43,5 excellent use
Introverted Feeling (Fi) ... 42,2 excellent use
Extroverted Feeling (Fe) ... 33,5 good use
Introverted Thinking (Ti) ... 25,2 average use
Introverted Sensing (Si) ... 22,8 limited use
Extroverted Thinking(Te) ... 17,8 limited use
Extroverted Sensing (Se) ... 6 unused
According to this my type is most likely INFP, followed by ENFP and INFJ.

Inspiration of the week

She likes to play a badass, but with a whim of tragedy and romanticism. A combination of rock'n'roll and non-glamour fashion sense sketches an exposure of "disturbed kid" stylish look.

Thought of the day

It's only you, everything you feel, see and think is only yourself, there are no demons and no fairy tales, only the presence of your own.